Thursday, October 20, 2011

Day 238 - Moon v. Stars

When I saw this the other day on Facebook, I knew I had to share it immediately.  And, of course, it made sense to blog about it since it hit me the way it did.  A couple days ago, I blogged about Beyonce's "Love on Top," and it seems to echo the essence of that song.  If you're unaware, the song is about a woman whose love has now embraced her as the most part of his life, putting her love at the top of his priority list.  So as I read this, I think it hit the same place in me.  Everyone wants to feel like a priority in someone's life, especially when you have made that person a priority in your life.  But it can be easy to take people for granted.  When we feel like a person will always be there - they have shown themselves to be faithful and devoted and loving no matter what - then we may decide that it's okay to relax in the relationship, putting in less effort, because we just know that the person isn't going anywhere. 
But this simple quotation reminds us that every person has an expiration date.  Alicia Keys has a line in a song called Lesson Learned that speaks to this reality: "You give it one more chance, just like the time before, but he already know you'd give a hundred more, until that night in bed - you wake up in a sweat, you're racing to the door, can't take it anymore."  When someone knows that we aren't going anywhere and they have a mind to do what they want in a relationship, they have no motivation to change their behavior or treat us any better.  Yet, a time will typically come when we come to ourselves (no matter how long that takes), and we realize that we deserve more, which pushes us to change/leave a troublesome situation.
So be sure that you know who is who and what is what in your life.  Whether that means spending more time with your family, evaluating and investing more in your friendships, showing your significant other more love, or even taking better care of yourself, learn how to prioritize before the person makes the decision for you.  You don't want to end up with regrets.  While I love the stars myself, the night sky would be a pale comparison without the moon.

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