Thursday, August 16, 2012

Day 350 - It's Time

I was talking to God this morning, trying to make sense of some things.  I had 2 dreams 2 days ago that seemed a bit strange and cryptic.  I understood certain elements of them, but I wasn't really sure what they meant.  All I remembered of the first one was that I shouldn't hide/suppress my gifts.  I know there have been moments where I've tried to ignore my gifts out of fear, so this is a reminder that I need from time to time.  The second one was all kinds of metaphorical.  While some of it resonated and made sense, much of it didn't.  Well, part of that second dream came true this morning.  Even though in the dream, this portion wasn't clear, as soon as I heard about what had happened, I knew that it was from my dream. 
Granted, I've had dreams/feelings for as long as I can remember, but to have one come true in this sense was a little scary.  I've always been able to see, but to see this much...  Yeah.  Hence my conversation with God this morning.  Such an event makes me more nervous, because it speaks to the depths of which are to come and with that comes great responsibility.  I asked God what was up with all that, and God essentially said, "it's time."  I have had these gifts all my life, but I only paid attention to them in varying degrees depending on what was happening in my life.  But I understand that, based on that comment from God, the shift my life has taken lately, and even the sermon I preached last Sunday, it's time... 
And as I thought about this for myself, I realized that I'm not the only one who needs to take a step or two forward.  I realized that a lot of us are chilling on the side lines of our own lives, and we need a push into the game. 

  • It's time to stop being scared of what could happen or how people could react or even the outcome of certain things.  Our call is to be faithful/obedient.  It's God's job to handle the end result.
  • It's time to do and be all that has been purposed in our lives.
  • It's time to listen to that still small voice, that intuition, that slight nudge, and those "coincidences."
  • It's time to tap into the Source in a deeper way and live out of the power of the Divine instead of our own strength and understanding.
  • It's time to figure out what we're really supposed to be doing and do that.  We tend to get very easily distracted, even doing good things, but it's time to live on purpose doing those things that will move us toward our ultimate goal and vision.
  • It's time to open our hearts to healing, wisdom, peace, and love from the various sources that they avail themselves from.  Half of us are missing it, because we are trying to live closed off in an effort to protect ourselves.  I'm not saying to let everyone in to the deepest parts of you, but do be open enough that you can receive from unexpected sources.
Why is this in the love blog?  Because it's love that allows us to define and follow purpose.  It's love that pushes us to go further and reach higher.  It's love that can empower and inspire us in ways that we never expected.  Love God and receive what God has for you.  Love yourself and allow your beauty and greatness to emerge.  Love others and give your energy into your passions as a means of serving those in need.

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