Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 54 - Stay Down

So, while this song itself is interesting and deals with the working through that relationships often require, there's one line in particular that I love, and that's what I'm gonna base this entry on: "Your healing is in me and my healing is in you."  As I've lived and related to people, I have come to realize that every relationship has purpose.  Now, this purpose might not seem obvious and it might not seem positive when certain relationships end, but all relationships contribute something to our lives.  In every relationship and interaction, there is a level of healing available when people open up to one another and receive the love.  I have had friendships and relationships that have provided things like affirmation, confidence, provocation to grow, strength, the need to pray, etc.  For example, I've admittedly had some issues with my biological dad, and one of my relationships with one of my male friends actually provided some of the foundational love and affirmation and care that allowed him to almost be a surrogate father and help heal me in that area.
So, "Your healing is in me and my healing is in you."  Look at your relationships and see where the healing is coming from.  A lot of times, we just go through our relationships in less than intentional ways and just let life and things happen.  This is not to say that you control or plot out your relationships, but it is good to recognize (at least vaguely) the place of a relationship in your life.  I have looked at the people in my life, and I know generally where they all fit.  This also helps me to be more secure in my friendships, because I have an idea of their function and what I can expect per person.  Some friends are for hanging out, some for religious conversations, some for political conversations, some for relationship conversations, etc.

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