Thursday, September 13, 2012

Day 360 - Let's Just Be

One of my friends introduced me to this song sometime ago, and it just came back to mind the other day, so I figured I should blog about it.  It's a cute little song that I just like about just spending time with someone you care about.  While I would normally go through verse by verse and talk it, I've decided that for this particular entry, I'll just let the lyrics speak for themselves.  It's about spending quality time (yeah love languages) enjoying each other's presence.  While a lot of dating and relationship seems to emphasize attracting and impressing a partner, there should come a time in a relationship where you are just comfortable being around each other.  Sweat pants and no make-up, chilling as yourself without pretense.  Granted, there's nothing wrong with wanting to look good for your boo or for yourself.  But sometimes it's good to just be able to be in your skin and be your "regular" self with the one you love.

"We can watch a DVD, baby. Sit up in the house and be, just be there. You ain't gotta get cute for me. Truthfully I prefer you with no make up, in one of my T-shirts, bunny slippers on your feet, girl - just tryna' be all up under me, on the coach or in front of TV. Baby, that's gansta." 
"Let's just be, girl. Let's just be. Ain't gon' be no runnin' round in these streets - just my girl and me doing whatever, babe. Let's just be."
"Dinner from the microwave, okay, girl. I'm gon' put my cell away, no distractions. Gonna take this day to lay around and gather every lazy. Play a video game or maybe I'll paint your toenails. I'll sing you a song if you want me to. Girl it's whatever you wanna do. It's so simple."
"Wrapped up in my arms, girl, until the morn. Nothin is better, my baby. Soon we'll fall a sleep, then eventually we'll wake up and I'll be ready. Oh (let's just be), overcome by passion and lust (let's just be), overwhelmed by each other's touch, (let's just be) on the brink of explosion when we, (oh when we) girl, when we (be), when we just be! Oh girl just be."

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