Monday, September 17, 2012

Day 362 - Therapy/Medicine (Musical Mash-Up)

So I’ve never done 2 songs in one entry, but as I wrap things up, I decided to try something a little different.  These songs complement each other rather well, as they are two sides of the same coin.  They speak about someone being cared for and someone doing the caring for someone else.  As a caregiver myself, I can definitely relate greatly to the second one, but as I learn to receive, I can appreciate the first one as well.  Ideally, in each relationship, there will be some of each happening for each person in the relationship.  #balance

“He lays me on the couch and says, ‘how has your day been?  Tell me your problems, I’ll help you solve them.  Come on, let’s talk about it.’  He sits next to me and smiles – listens to all of my words, relaxes all of my nerves.”  Her partner doesn’t even wait for her to come to him.  I can imagine her coming home and he meets her at the door, taking her bags and leading her to the couch.  He immediately attends to her, listening to the concerns of her day and helping her to unwind.
“Like breathe in, let it go.  Shout it out.  Take deep breaths now – real slow, calm down.  Close my eyes, ease my mind, take control of all my body, please.  Work your psychology.  You’ve taken good care of me, always been there for me.  Boy, I can’t bear to leave, cuz I need your therapy.  You’ve given me everything, so much I ever could need.  Without you I’m weak in the knees – I need your therapy.  I need your therapy.  I need you to come and lay hands on me.  I need your therapy.”  He provides great care for her, and she greatly appreciates him for it.  He provides therapeutic and caring space for her to be feel better despite whatever is going on in her life.  For that, she is grateful, and she desires his care to remain in her life. 
“He puts his hand on my lower back, his face in my neck and says something to make me laugh – makes me forget I was mad.  His touch feels so right – it’s like he’s reading my mind.  I need him all the time.”  Not only does he listen, but he provides loving touch and humor as a further means of providing therapy.  He’s so attuned to her needs that he seems able to provide just what she needs when she needs it.
“When it feels like I'm losing power, when I feel like a wilting flower, the way you touch me says I’m there for you.  It heals me just to hear you say, ‘I love you.’”  There is nothing like the healing power of human touch, especially when it’s accompanied by genuine expressions of love.  She finds these empowering, and when she feels the love that he provides, she finds the strength to press on, living life with love as her backing. 

“Shorty, tell me what’s on your mind, and I promise to try to do what I can to change how you feel inside.  Ain’t nobody here but you and I, so you don’t have to hide.  Here with me, you can just be you, girl.”  He has welcomed in his girl, and he is providing a safe space for her to let down her hair.  While it’s not possible to truly relax with everyone, he is trying to assure her that with him, she can do just that  as he works to help her feel better. 
“Cuz I know what it feels like when you’ve got so much going on in your life.  But what nobody can see is that you can hardly breathe, and you’re at the point where everything’s too much.  Turn the lights down low, find some music, turn off your phone.  Come to me, let me be your medicine.  I can be your medicine.  And I bet, I can take all your pain away.  Come to me, let me be your medicine.  I can be your…”  The chorus is a sympathetic sentiment.  He understands what’s like to be overwhelmed by life, and he’s encouraging her to take some time (with him) to get away and attend to her own healing.  He promises to provide healing aid for her, being the loving medicine that she needs. 
“Everybody’s gotta make a dime, but when do you make the time to break away?  Find some things to do to make you smile, cuz it can’t be good for your health, always trying to please somebody else.   But now and then, you gotta think about yourself.”  While it is necessary to take care of the obligations of our lives like paying bills and such, it’s important to balance that with self-care, rest, and things that make us happy.  In all we do, we have to remember to be and take care of ourselves. 
“Whatever is hurting, got something I think can work.  Use it for body aches or nerves or wherever it may concern.  Now if the pain keeps getting worse, just breathe… till the whole world fades away.”  He says that he can provide something to help her find healing and relief no matter what she may be facing.  As a caring friend and love, he can see what is wrong and give her what she needs. 

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