Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 12 - Married Folk

So, I've decided that since I know nothing about being married (and admittedly, I'm not 300% sure that I wanna  get married myself), but I'm curious about the love and the relationship of married people.  While I have 2 married people within my grasp, I figured I'd ask them about the love that they share.

Seth and Shanna DuBose

They have been married for almost 2 years.  Before that, they dated for about 1.5 years.  They were friends for about 10 years prior to.  They have been together and known each for ages, so they feel like the transition into marriage didn't change things completely.  Because they've been through hell and high water together before they got married, being married been a matter of changing addresses and bank account numbers.  Of course there love has grown over the years, but they have continued along the vein of friendship that has kept that them in each others' lives all along.
Love is compromise, sacrifice, and working together.  It's letting your wife have the chopsticks when you wanted to use them.  Real love = learning idiosyncrasies. 
At the end of the day, based on this couple, marriage is about being able to be friends on a long-term, intimate, close together basis.  It is finding the person with whom you are more than comfortable and that just fits you.  It's about the person you can be friends with when all else is confusing, messed up, or even lost.  It's about finding your tag team partner in this wrestling match called life - someone you work with, someone you trust, and someone that you can tap in and allow to fight for you when you can't make it.

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